Service & Maintenance

The backbone of our operations

Set the standard for excellence

As the largest company in the industry, we set the standards others pursue, partner with the best manufacturers and have the ability to influence new equipment and features. We provide the best and most cutting-edge training opportunities. And we focus daily on creating the safest work environment possible.


Service Manager, Sherwood Park, AB

From our morning safety huddles to near miss reporting, you feel confident that this organization has your well-being at the top of their priorities. I enjoy coming to work every day and facing the diverse challenges of the rental industry. I have opportunities to grow my career through the training and programs provided. I look forward to continuing my career with United Rentals through to my retirement.

Look to the future

Every day, we look for ways to improve and challenge ourselves to get better. As a member of our team, you will:

  • Continually improve and add skills to your toolkit
  • Enjoy unmatched opportunity for personal career growth
  • Have the potential for relocation through our network of 1,500+ locations
  • Be led by a strong management team that will help you reach your goals

Customize your career path

The great thing about a company of our size is the many careers paths we can offer. You might enter the company as an Equipment Associate and, with additional training and experience, move into progressively greater Service Technician roles. If you are interested in management, we offer opportunities such as Shop Foreman and Service Manager. If sales is your passion, you can consider becoming an Inside Sales Rep.

Two male maintenance workers in navy-blue United Rentals uniforms examine some equipment.